
City Forests owns and manages more than 20,000 hectares of planted forests, located within a 80km radius of the City of Dunedin.

In the 2022-2023 financial year, City Forests harvested over 360,000 cubic metres of wood from its forests. The company is managing its forests at long-term sustainable clearfell levels of between 320,000 and 365,000m3. Radiata pine makes up 84% of the planted forest area, with most of the balance in Douglas fir and cypress.

The majority of harvested wood is sold as logs. The balance is made into pulpwood/chips and firewood.

Mechanical log making
Mechanical log making

City Forests was the first major forest owner in the South Island to achieve Forest Stewardship Council® certification.

For commercial sales of logs contact Kent Chalmers.
123 Crawford Street, Dunedin

City Forests does not issue permits to take firewood, nor do we sell logs to households because of safety issues.

Our forests are working forests, and are industrial sites.  Access is allowed in specified areas and times, and normally is by permit only.